Submitted abstracts for conferences and meetings. *My* submitted abstracts are archived here or reside on this page until they have been either shown as a poster or I have given the talk. Abstracts where I've been part of the team or have not been presented in the end remain listed here for book-keeping reasons.
Investigating Pre-Irradiation Effects in CAIs from Carbonaceous Chondrites
- P.Ghaznavi, B Hofmann, A Berger, D Haberthür, R Hlushchuk, OZ Khoma
- EGU 25, Vienna, Austria
Speeding up shape: combining µCT and deep learning to characterize phenotypic evolution in threespine stickleback
- Richard Sulser, Sheila Christen, David Haberthür, Ruslan Hlushchuk, Daniel Bolnick, Catherine Peichel
- 3rd Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology 2024, Montreal, Canada
Dual Benefits of Spatially Fractionated 'Microbeam' Radiotherapy: Increases Intratumoral Delivery of Gold Nanoparticles and Improves Tumor Control
- Cristian Fernandez-Palomo, Verdiana Trappetti, Paolo Pellicioli, David Haberthür, Valentin Djonov
Micro-alveolar ducts – a novel kind of pulmonary airways appearing late during alveolarization
- Taha V. El Moudden, David Haberthür, Arrigo Moro, Johannes C. Schittny
Airspace diameter map - a quantitative measurement of all pulmonary airspace to characterize structural lung diseases
- S. Blaskovic, P. Anagnostopoulou, E. Borisova, D. Schittny, Y. Donati, D. Haberthür, Z. Zhou-Suckow, M. A. Mall, C. M. Schlepütz, M. Stampanoni, C. Barazzone, J. C. Schittny
- ERS International Congress 2023 , Milano, Italy
What's diet got to do with it? Analysis ofcraniofacial evolution in Lake Victoria cichlids
- Kassandra Lee Ford, L Patricia Hernandez, Pooja Singh, Mikki Law, David Haberthür, Ruslan Hlushchuk, Kory Evans, Ole Seehausen
- ICVM-2023, Cairns, Australia
Analysis of Craniofacial Evolution in Lake Victoria Cichlids based on CT-scans
- Kassandra Ford, Patricia Hernandez, Pooja Singh, Mikki Law, David Haberthür, Ruslan Hlushchuk, Kory Evans, Ole Seehausen
- SICB 2023 , Austin, Texas, USA.
The effects of irradiation on the noble gases in matrix of Allende (CV) meteorite
- Parastoo Ghaznavi, Yogita Kadlag, Ingo Leya, David Haberthür
- Accepted as poster in 'Session SB7' at the Europlanet Science Congress 2022 , Granada, Spain
Synchrotron microbeams for the treatment of lung cancer: A lesson from the first preclinical trial
- Verdiana Trappetti, Cristian Fernandez-Palomo, Lloyd Smyth, Mitzi Klein, David Haberthür, Duncan Butler, Micah Barnes, Nahoko Shintani, Michael de Veer, Jean A. Laissue, Marie C. Vozenin, Valentin Djonov
- FRTP 2021, Vienna, Austria
Timing and environment of chondrule formation
- Y. Kadlag, I. Leya, K. Mezger, A.-S., Bouvier, D. Haberthür and R. Hlushchuk
Repression of wilm’s tumor protein 1 is required to promote myocardial fate
- Ines J. Marques, Alexander Ernst, Tanja Hetke, Prateek Arora, Andres Sanz, Javier Langa, Adolfo Odriozola, Benôit Zuber, David Haberthür, Ruslan Hlushchuk, Carlos Torroja, Uta Naumann, Christoph Englert, Nadia Mercader
Improving the Technique of a Heterotopic Vascularized Composite Hindlimb Allotransplantation in the Pig
- Stefanie Hirsiger, Ioana Lese, Isabel Arenas Hoyos, Nicoletta Sorvillo, Cedric Zubler, David Haberthür, Ruslan Hlushchuk, Yara Banz, Ana Leban, Hendrik von Tengg-Kobligk, Mihai Constantinescu, Esther Vögelin, Robert Rieben, Radu Olariu
The first pre-clinical study employing Synchrotron Microbeam Radiotherapy for the treatmend of lung carcinoma
- Verdiana Trappetti, Cristian Fernandez-Palomo, Lloyd Smyth, Mitzi Klein, Duncan Buttler, David Haberthür, Micah Barnes, Daniel Hausermann, Michael de Veer, Jean Laissue, Valentin Djonov
First pre-clinical study for lung carcinoma employing Synchrotron Microbeam Radiotherapy at the Australian Synchrotron
- Verdiana Trappetti, Cristian Fernandez-Palomo, Lloyd Smyth, Mitzi Klein, Duncan Buttler, David Haberthür, Micah Barnes, Daniel Hausermann, Michael de Veer, Jean Laissue, Valentin Djonov
Wilms’ tumor 1 gene overexpression changes the heart size of zebrafish
- David Haberthür, Tanja Hetke, Inês Marques, Nadia Mercader Huber, Ruslan Hlushchuk
- Would have been accepted for a talk, but the Bruker MicroCT Users Meeting was cancelled because of COVID-19
Assessment of Osteo-/Angiogenesis in Minipig Mandibula by MicroangioCT with µAngiofil
- Rebecca Sandgren, David Haberthür, Nils Warfving, Benjamin Pippenger, Benjamin Bellón, Ruslan Hlushchuk
Synchrotron Microbeam Radiation Therapy and Gold nanoparticles: a combined preclinical treatment in a mouse melanoma model.
- Cristian Fernandez-Palomo, Verdiana Trappetti, Marine Potez, David Haberthür, Elke Brӓuer-Krisch, Jean Laissue, James Hainfeld, Valentin Djonov
Ex vivo microangioCT: correlative and quantitative imaging approach in preclinical cardiovascular research.
- Ruslan Hlushchuk, Laura Schaad, Robert Gianni-Barrera, David Haberthür, Andrea Banfi, Valentin Djonov
Quantitative Assessment of Brain Tumor Radiation Treatment Reveals Decrease in Tumor-supporting Vessels
- David Haberthür, Ruslan Hlushchuk, Marine Potez, Audrey Bouchet and Valentin Djonov
High Resolution Imaging and Morphometry of Vascular Remodeling in a Murine Model of Non-Cirrhotic Portal Hypertension by Micro-Computed Tomography
- Christian Perez-Shibayama, Mario Novkovic, Ruslan Hlushchuk, David Haberthür, Valentin Djonov, David Semela
An Increase in The Fractal Dimension of The Pulmonary Acini Is an Indication for their Non-uniform Development
- Ioannis Vogiatzis Oikonomidis, David Haberthür, Tiziana P. Cremona, Marco Stampanoni, Johannes C. Schittny
- American Thoracic Society International Conference, 2018, San Diego, USA
- Marwen Chaouachi, Andrzej Falenty , Katkleen Sell, Jens-Oliver, Schwarz, Martin Wolf, Frieder Enzmann, *David Haberthür*, Werner F. Kuhs
- The 8th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, Beijing, China
- The 9th International Workshop on Methane Hydrates R&D, Hyderabad, India
Estimation Of The Number Of Acini During Postnatal Rat Lung Development
- Johannes C. Schittny, Sebastien F. Barre, David Haberthur, and Marco Stampanoni
- American Thoracic Society International Conference, 2012, San Francisco
- accepted as a poster