Table of Contents

<markdown> Meetings with Co-referee

- January 07

  1. General Idea, Overview over planned work, Possible Collaboration, Help from MEM-Center

- 9.7.07

  1. ITV/VTK, Skeletonization, Visualization, MicroCT


- 12.12.2006

  1. Symposium: Modern tools in biomedical microscopy

- 16.-20.4.07

  1. LTK Modul 1: Einführung in die Labortierkunde

- 2.-6.7.07

  1. MAS Block-Course: Physics in Radiodiagnostics and Nuclear Medicine

- 5.-16.3.07

  1. MAS Block-Course: Computers in Medicine: The Phalanx Project

- WS06/07

  1. Anatomie & Physiologie für Medizinphysiker (M. Casty)

- WS06/07

  1. Biostatistik (B. Seifert)

- WS06/07

  1. Biomedizinische Technik A (P. Bösiger)

- SS07

  1. Akustik (N. Dillier)

- SS07

  1. Medizinische Optik (M. Frenz)

- SS07

  1. Anatomie & Physiologie für Medizinphysiker (M. Casty)

- HS07

  1. Biokompatible Materialien I (H. Hall)

- HS07

  1. Physics in Medical Research (B. Müller)

Assistance in practical student courses

- 17.9.07-1.11.07

  1. Doppel-Tutoriat PBL Medizin 1. Jahr
  2. 55 hours

- 11.10.07 - Histokurs - 2 lections

Internal presentations of research results: title/place

- 13.11.06

  1. *Overview of my work*
  2. Meeting at the SLS with international Collaborators

- 13.2.07

  1. *Lung Reconstruction by synchrotron radiation x-ray tomographic microscopy*
  2. Tag der Anatomie 2007, Institut für Anatomie, Universität Bern

Presentations at national meetings: title/meeting

Presentations at international meetings: title/meeting

