====== misc Notes for PSI ====== ===== rename multiple files ===== rename R243b10_0 R243b10_mrg0 R243b10_0???.tif rename R243b10_1 R243b10_mrg1 R243b10_1???.tif rename R243b10_2 R243b10_mrg2 R243b10_2???.tif rename R243b10_3 R243b10_mrg3 R243b10_3???.tif rename R243b10_4 R243b10_mrg4 R243b10_4???.tif ... since rename R243b10_ R243b10_mrg R243b10_???.tif does not work when more than 1000 files (or so) are to be renamed. ===== Camserver restart ===== rdesktop pc6189 -g 1250x950 -a 16 oder mit alias | grep CCD rausfinden, welcher PC momentan grad zustaendig ist... ===== Reset Camera ===== * Start CamWare and take any picture (snap shot or movie) * Close CamWare * Start Image-Pro Plus * Start Camera Server FIFO ===== Image-Pro Plus ===== * Camera control -> Exposure, binning, etc. * Histogram (Histogram of image, directly linked to a particular image) * Flat: 40'000 - 50'000 counts. * Arithmetic and logical operations -> divide image by flat -> min. 2000 - 3000 counts in new images. If not -> higher energy!! * Enhance - Display range: Gives histogram of current image and defines display range. May be use constantly.